one show down and and i hitch a ride with the darker my love boys down to DC. we all meet up at DC9 just in time for load in ... damn! we all get our sound checks in and have a somewhat group dinner, with david and ollie bowing out to eat with their parents. showtime hits and all the saints open it up with a killer set and our friends start pouring into the club, paul from ceremony, jake from screen vinyl image and thomas from true womanhood all representing! next up DML come in with some of our favorites, all of us singing along to the songs we all know from our last tour with them... drinking commences and we're getting ready to show everyone up. me and ollie start writing out the set list and decide tonights the night to open up with exploding head, the first time we've played this song live... followed up by it is nothing to ensure maximum ear splitting volume! by the end of the show not one person can see more than an inch in front of their faces due to the smoke out we've created. as the smoke dissipates and the fans and friends leave, we all get in one last round of drinks at the bar and do shots with the bartender, sweet willy leaves to catch his bus back to NY and it's time to head back down to the ackermanns for some sleep... not beore we grab some late night waffle house first! we lay our heads down and sleep dreaming of cheap cigerettes (for once!) on to north cacalaca!!!
- Jay